Monday, May 24, 2010

Can Acupuncture Help with My Depression?

One of the things that many people have to deal with nowadays is depression. As a matter of fact, more people have to deal with depression than most people realize. Although there are a lot of medicines that a person can take in order to deal with this problem, many people do not want to manipulate their bodies in such a way. For those individuals, it is a much better idea to do things naturally in one way or another. One way in which many people have found relief from their depression is through acupuncture.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese art in which the energy within our body is manipulated and balanced through the insertion of very tiny, hair thin needles. According to traditional Chinese medicine, all of us have an energy that is often referred to as Chi and this energy is what causes all life to flow within us as individuals. A balance between the good and the bad energies in our body is necessary for us to maintain health. This balance can be realized and maintained through the use of acupuncture.

According to many naturalists, depression is often caused by an imbalance in the body in some form or another. It often happens as a result of stress because of lifestyle changes that we may be going through, problems that we are experiencing with work or other situations in our lives. The depression that we feel is quite real and can be life altering and make it difficult for us to lead a normal life. By bringing our body back into balance, however, we are able to overcome many of the difficulties that are experienced in life, including that of depression.

Acupuncture has come under a bit of scrutiny in the past several decades since it has gained popularity in the United States. Rather than disproving the theory, however, it actually has done much to promote it. Although it is difficult to use acupuncture in the control group, some studies have shown that by manipulating acupuncture points, an increase in blood flow and energy can be seen in the targeted areas.

If you are experiencing depression or are having a difficult time in life then acupuncture may be able to help you. It has been practiced for thousands of years and has helped an untold number of individuals to deal with their life as they know it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Acupuncture - Asian Roots and a New World Treatment

By some estimates, acupuncture was first being practiced in ancient China almost 5000 years ago. Traditional Chinese medicine is something that is of interest to many people because of the centuries of practical use and because of the fact that most of the medicine is natural and not pharmaceutical. As the practice of acupuncture began to spread out through the Asian world, many things were added to it but the general roots of acupuncture itself can be traced back to China.

Over the past several decades, the practice of acupuncture has gained quite a bit of popularity in Western lands, specifically the United States. Many people have turned to acupuncture in order to help them with their overall health as well as with specific problems that they are experiencing. These problems range anywhere from headaches and overall pain to an inability to conceive a child. Is acupuncture actually able to help you with these individual treatments, especially when they are at a specific as these?

Several tests have been done on acupuncture since the popularity of the practice has increased in the United States. Although it is difficult to administer improper acupuncture in order to offer a control group to the testing process, some of the experiments that were done actually monitored blood flow throughout the patients. Whenever the individuals were under the acupuncture treatment, there was a noted blood flow increased to certain areas of the body, specifically those that were being targeted.

Although acupuncture is one of the least dangerous medical treatments that can be taken, there are still some problems that need to be considered. One of these is the use of prepackaged, one use needles in acupuncture treatment. Reusing the needles, even if they are sterilized is an invitation to infection and disease. The FDA is now monitoring the use of these needles and their production. This has led to a much safer practice overall and one that many people are enjoying without having to worry about infection or other related problems.

As we continue to learn more about the practice, more people will, no doubt, turn to acupuncture in an effort to take care of their physical problems. Although some new methods have been added, we will always look back to the roots of acupuncture for guidance. Although it may be changed to a certain extent because of modern treatment, it's still is something that was founded many centuries ago.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Restore and Maintain Your Health with Acupuncture Treatment

For thousands of years, acupuncture has been practiced in China and has spread throughout most of Asia. These particular treatments have also become very popular in other lands in recent times. This is because of an upsurge of interest in people taking care of their overall health through natural means. Many individuals are trying to get away from the pharmaceutical cures that are often held out as a way to overcome physical problems and other maladies. By manipulating our life force through the use of acupuncture, many people have experienced relief from their trouble.

One example of how acupuncture can help individuals is through the treatment of pain. Not only is acupuncture able to help people who are experiencing such things as headaches or carpal tunnel syndrome, it is also becoming very common for use before, during and even after surgery. This is because, by manipulating the flow of energy within the body, we are able to disrupt the sensors which send the pain throughout our body. We are also able to get into a balanced state in which many of the diseases and problems that caused this pain in ourselves is unable to thrive.

Another interesting way that acupuncture is now used in order to restore and maintain health is through appetite suppression. The acupuncture points for appetite suppression are located in and around the ear and by manipulating these points with acupuncture needles, many people are experiencing relief from their insatiable appetites. It also has a side benefit of detoxification at the same pressure points and also benefit us in that particular way. Although acupuncture for appetite suppression is not always the main goal of a visit to the acupuncturist, it is often requested as a side benefit to the treatment.

One other way that acupuncture is used on a regular basis is in order to help people to conceive a child. Many people that are unable to conceive naturally go for in vitro fertilization treatments which are costly and very uncomfortable. By using acupuncture, many people have been ample to increase their odds of conceiving children by up to 10%. Not only is it good for those who are going through in vitro fertilization, it has also been shown to help with the actual conception of a child by normal means. By bringing the body back into balance, it is able to help us to do things in a natural way.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Maintaining Balance in the Body through Acupuncture

There are many different things that we can do in order to improve our overall health. One of the main things that involves our health in general, however, is the balance that is within our bodies. This balance has had many different names over the centuries but for the most part, it was simply a way of keeping the negative and positive parts of our body in check. The ancient Chinese culture used to refer to the energy that was our life force as Chi. they also began to manipulate this life force in various ways, one of them was through the use of acupuncture.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the flow of energy through our body took place in one of dozens of different channels. If one of these channels should happen to get redirected or if the flow of energy was not constant through our body, illness took place. The various illnesses that we could experience as a result of this imbalance ranged from pain to cancer and anywhere in between. Acupuncture offered a way to manipulate the flow of energy in our body through the insertion of hair thin needles to various depths, according to the particular channel that needed adjusted.

Along with acupuncture, however, the acupuncturist has always offered suggestions on other ways to treat yourself naturally. Most of them do not consider acupuncture to be the end-all when it comes to natural medicine but only a step that will help to get you into a balanced state. They may also provide you with information on supplementation and other health regimes that will help to keep your body in check as well. By following a proper course of health, which includes the use of acupuncture in many cases, you can experience a more balanced life force and a better overall sense of well-being.

Although this art of acupuncture is, by some estimates, 5000 years old, it is still one that has many uses and benefits that are experienced even today. Not only is it a way for us to restore our health, it is something that could keep us in balance balance. It also a way that we can maintain our health even if we are not feeling any ill effects at the moment. Through regular visits to the acupuncturist and a general healthy lifestyle, we may be able to keep ourselves free from the diseases that plague most of mankind.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Suppressing Your Appetite through Acupuncture

One of the most difficult things to overcome is a problem with overeating. As a matter of fact, it is more common for a person to have the difficulty with overeating then for them to be balanced in their diet. This shows up as the epidemic of obesity that we are experiencing in many nations around the world. Often, the problem with overeating is something that comes from our childhood and is a learned trait that may have been with us for many years. If we do not have the willpower to overcome these urges then what can be done to help us along?

Although acupuncture is typically used for pain management and to bring the body back into a balanced state, it can also be used in order to suppress the appetite. In fact, many people who go in for acupuncture in order to help with the physical malady that they are experiencing end up having this supplemental form of acupuncture administered in order to help them with their eating disorder. Many people who use acupuncture for this reason experience relief from their insatiable appetites and actually can begin losing weight as long as the treatments are being administered.

The acupuncture points for appetite control and weight loss are located in and around the ear. By manipulating these particular acupuncture points through the use of needles, you are able to block your appetite and the same points can also be used for general detoxification. Not only can it to suppress your appetite in general, it may also be able to block certain cravings that you have for things such as carbohydrates or highly fatty foods. All of this can benefit you in the way of weight loss.

Although the practice of acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, it has really only become popular in western lands in the past several decades. Since that time, however, many people have embraced acupuncture as a way to keep the body balanced and working in union. The benefit of using acupuncture to decrease your appetite is actually only one of the number of things that can be done through manipulation of the body's energy with acupuncture. If appetite has been a problem for most of your life, however, it is difficult to ignore this way of being able to overcome your difficulty and finally gain control of your weight.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Effective Acupuncture Treatments before Surgery

There are times in which our health necessitates us going in for surgery for one reason or another. For some of us, it may be what is referred to as a routine procedure but for others, the surgery that we are going through may be life altering and very severe. Regardless of why we are going in for the surgery or of how severe the treatment, acupuncture is one way that has been used to help us to get through the process easier. What different things can acupuncture do for us when we need to have surgery?

Acupuncture has actually been used for thousands of years but it is only recently become popular in the westernized world. As more people are using the procedure, they are finding that it benefits us in many different ways. One of the ways in which it benefits us is through pain management and by keeping our body in a balanced state. The entire concept of Chi, the energy that flows through our body and of the balance that needs to exist in all things is what brought about the art of acupuncture. Now, they're using this ancient Chinese medicine in order to help us when we are undergoing surgery.

Acupuncture can be administered before and after surgery as a way to reduce the amount of pain that an individual is feeling. As a matter of fact, it is sometimes administered during surgery in order to keep the individual from feeling some of the pain of the surgery itself. Not only is it available to block pain to a certain extent, it is able to help us to heal so that we have a shorter recovery time that involves less pain. It also keeps us from having to take too much pain medication during that time.

Another thing that acupuncture is able to do is to reduce the amount of nausea that is experienced by women who are undergoing breast surgery. Nausea is a fairly common side effect that is felt by these women but acupuncture is able to overcome some of the discomfort and negative experiences that they may have.

As we continue to learn more about the benefits of using acupuncture during surgery, it's hard to tell how frequently it will be used in order to control pain and to help keep the body in a balanced condition.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Stopping Your Headache with Acupuncture

There are a lot of things that we have to deal with on a regular basis which affects our health. One very common thing that is experienced by people in general are headaches. As a matter of fact, some people have headaches so frequently that they simply learn to live with them and deal with the pain as best they can. Still others have headaches, such as migraines, which are almost impossible to ignore and become a life altering because of their intensity. As a result of these headaches, many people have turned acupuncture in order to find some relief from their suffering.

There are really two different types of individuals who come to an acupuncturist in order to seek relief from their headaches. There are those who are currently experiencing a headache and those that are to are trying to get some kind of preventative care in order to stop the next headache from coming or to decrease its intensity. These are two very different situations and are treated differently from the acupuncturist's standpoint. Depending on your situation when you enter their office will make a difference in how you are treated.

The reason why this is the case is because acupuncture is a way of moving energy throughout your body and it also can increase blood flow to certain areas. The way of treating an existing headache differs somewhat from the treatment that will assist in blocking future headaches. Your doctor will be able to make that determination and to adjust the treatment accordingly.

Many people try acupuncture treatments to stop their headaches but they are nervous whenever they enter into the office. Perhaps they have never experienced acupuncture before and are wondering how it is going to feel or if it is dangerous. The fact is, acupuncture is one of the least dangerous medical treatments that exists. Although it is possible for problems to happen, it is very rare and if the doctor is competent and uses sterile means when inserting the needles there is little need for worry. The needles themselves rarely hurt whenever they enter into the skin and often make the individual field either relaxed or even rejuvenated.

So, if you are experiencing headaches, the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture may be able to assist you in dealing with them. By bringing your body back into balance, you may be able to overcome your headaches once and for all.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Acupuncture for Pain Relief

It's amazing the number of people who live with pain on a regular basis. For some people, the pain is something that they simply live with but it does not alter their life necessarily. For others, the pain gets quite intense and they have to live around the pain instead of simply incorporating it into their lifestyle. One thing that almost all pain has in common, however, is an imbalance that exists in our body. If we were to bring our body back into line with where it should be, most of the pain that we feel would stop happening.

Although there are many different ways for people to deal with pain that range from prescription medications to therapeutic exercise, one way that is often overlooked is acupuncture. The fact is, acupuncture is able to help with pain in a lot of different ways and to help individuals to get over pain or to be able to reduce it so that it is easily manageable. How is acupuncture able to do this? It does this by bringing our body back into balance with where it should be.

Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years in Asia and is now becoming very popular in the Western world. It is based on the principle that we all have an energy which is referred to as Chi. It is a balanced energy that exists in between two extremes, the negative and positive. If all things in our body or balanced, according to these theories, then we can enjoy good health. Acupuncture is a way of manipulating the energy that flows through our body and brings us back into a balanced state.

What kind of pain can be controlled by acupuncture? People actually visit acupuncturists for a wide variety of pain that includes lower back pain, headaches, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. It is also very common for people to visit the doctor before and after surgery for additional pain management. So not only is acupuncture good for the relief of pain, it also may help with the prevention of pain as well.

As acupuncture continues to grow a popularity and additional testing helps to prove what it can do for us, more people will use these treatments in order to deal with their ill health. By bringing us back into a balanced state naturally, acupuncture is able to allow us to heal from the inside out.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Should I Worry about Getting Acupuncture

It's natural for a person to worry about something that they are not informed about. One thing that many people are nervous over is their first acupuncture treatment, especially if they have preconceived ideas about the practice that are inaccurate. Let's talk a little bit about acupuncture, where it came from and what you can expect from your visit to the acupuncturist.

Acupuncture is actually in ancient Chinese medical treatment in which small needles are inserted into specific areas of the body in order to promote a flow of energy throughout our body. This energy, known as Chi is important to keep balanced in order to maintain proper health. By manipulating the flow of Chi in our system, we are helping ourselves to maintain this balance and to enjoy the overall health benefits that come as a result.

The insertion of the needles is relatively painless and is typically totally painless. Many people experience either in exhilaration or relaxation whenever the needles are inserted. They are so thin, much thinner than the typical needles that you see at the doctors office that they don't cause the pain that is typically associated with doctors and needles. Once inserted in the body, they may be manipulated in one way or another or perhaps even heated in order to help with the flow of energy.

Your first visit to the acupuncturist may not actually include any needles at all. Your doctor will want to take the time to get to know you and to understand your particular circumstances so that he can treat you in the proper way. It will also give you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have on your mind, most of which I'm sure that he has heard and can answer quite easily.

Acupuncture is used for dozens of different problems that people are experiencing from flatulence to severe pain management. Anything that has to do with the natural flow of energy in our body and our overall natural health can be maintained or enhanced through the use of acupuncture. Although it is not a total treatment unto itself, as many acupuncturist will actually also put you on a health regime, it can help individuals in many cases to overcome problems that medical science is unable to handle. So don't be nervous about your trip to the acupuncturist, be optimistic.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Your First Acupuncture Visit

Even though acupuncture is becoming more prevalent in today's society, there are still many people that are nervous about the practice in general. These people may have preconceived ideas that are inaccurate or may be resting their ideas on the fact that it is actually a medical practice that was first done in ancient Asia thousands of years ago. Regardless of why they are nervous or hesitant about going to an acupuncturist, however, they need to have their minds put at ease. If you are facing your first visit to the acupuncturist, here are some things that you can expect.

First of all, you are not going to enter into your acupuncture session and immediately be stuck full of needles. Not only that, you are entering into an environment that is not unlike an environment that is typically found in many doctors offices. Even though this is a form of natural medicine, it is still considered medicine and most acupuncturists hold to the medical profession's idea of what is expected in their practice. Don't be overly worried about your first session because you may not actually end up getting acupuncture on your first visit at all.

The first visit is an introductory visit in which the doctor will ask you a lot of questions about your medical history, your particular problem in any surrounding issues that may also need to be taken into consideration. It will also give you the opportunity to get to know your doctor a little bit and ask them any questions that you may have on your mind. Depending on what your problem is, you may not even have an acupuncture treatment on your first visit. If you do, by the time you actually have the treatment done, you will be more at ease because of having the time with your doctor before any treatment is actually administered.

The acupuncture itself is actually done by inserting hair thin needles into the skin to various depths. Most people do not feel uncomfortable whenever this is done other than a slight stinging in some instances. The needles are much smaller than the needles that are typically used by a doctor so there really is not much pain, if any involved. These needles will remain in your skin for anywhere from five to 20 minutes until they are removed. That's basically all that there is to your first acupuncture visit. It's not much to worry about.

Friday, April 30, 2010

What Can I Expect from My Acupuncture Treatment?

Although it is been done for thousands of years in Asia, some people are still very nervous about going to an acupuncturist for treatment. As the practice becomes more accepted, however, and the use of acupuncture is becoming more prevalent, many individuals will find themselves getting this treatment for the first time. If you are a little bit nervous about your acupuncture treatment, you are in good company but that doesn't mean that you have a need for alarm. Here is what you can expect from your visit to the acupuncturist.

The first visit will actually be a question-and-answer session and may or may not include acupuncture at all. Your doctor will want to know almost everything about your medical condition, and the underlying issues and anything else that may help him in his treatment of your condition. Once the proper treatment is discerned, however, your treatments will start, perhaps even on the first visit.

This is where most people get nervous because they are unsure about the dangers that may exist from acupuncture. Let me put your mind at ease. It is very rare for there to be any problems from acupuncture treatment and, as long as you're acupuncturist is using clean needles and knows what they are doing, you have little to worry about at all. It is possible for infection to set in or for an organ to be punctured but this is very rare if you're acupuncturist is qualified.

Each session will last about one half hour and your doctor will insert very tiny needles into the acupuncture points and may manipulate them somewhat with his hands, induce a very light electrical pulse or even warm them with moxa. The needles will remain in your body for anywhere from five to 20 minutes. Most people do not feel any discomfort at all from having these needles inserted and actually may feel invigorated in some cases or perhaps very relaxed.

After your first time of receiving acupuncture, you will find that it is not an unpleasant situation at all. As a matter of fact, you may leave the acupuncturist feeling very good, relaxed and with an overall sense of well-being. In fact, once you begin with your acupuncture treatments you will probably wonder why you waited so long to begin them in the first place. It's an ancient medical practice but it can still take care of many things for us today.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Erasing Lines with Acupuncture

Getting older is something that none of us really enjoy. Not only does it make it more difficult for us to live life in general, it also begins to show, such as in the wrinkles on our face. Far too many people try to remove these wrinkles by use of dangerous medical treatments that include injecting chemicals under our skin or using them to actually peel part of our face away. Many people have turned to natural medicine in an effort to turn back the hands of time. One of the ways that they use is that of acupuncture. Is acupuncture actually able to give you a face lift?

As acupuncture becomes more common in Western society, many people have turned to this natural practice in order to help with their healing and their overall health. Although this practice is able to bring a balance back to our body, it cannot be considered as a facelift, regardless of what it can do for us individually. This is because acupuncture does not do anything to us medically that could be considered a facelift such as make incisions or use chemicals. That doesn't mean, however, that I cannot give us a more youthful appearance.

Maintaining our health from the inside out is one sure way for us to look younger and to feel younger. Acupuncture is simply one way for us to maintain this style of health. When used in conjunction with other natural methods such as supplementing with vitamins and eating a proper diet, you would be surprised at what it can do for your overall appearance. It can also help to stimulate areas of the face that will assist in removing some of the wrinkles hopefully but it will really do its wonders when it comes to improving our health from the inside.

Whenever we are healthy and in balance we sleep better, eat better and are overall more relaxed. This will do a lot for the way that we look on the outside because we are feeling good on the inside. Acupuncture can bring your body back into a naturally balanced condition that will give you this glow and make you feel and look younger. Of course, your acupuncturist may also ask you to maintain your help in other ways, but this Chinese practice can point you in the direction of a more youthful look.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Acupuncture As a Facelift Alternative

Something that all of us struggle against is time. As a matter of fact, all of us are aging from the time we are born and as we get older, that age begins to display itself in one way or another. For some, it comes as a decreased metabolism and an inability to keep off excess weight. For others, it comes in the form of facial wrinkles and noticeable signs that point to the fact that we are getting older. Some people spend countless dollars on all kinds of treatments in order to get rid of these wrinkles, some of which are very unhealthy. A new way of looking at an old medicine, however, may give us some hope in order to turn back the hands of time. Is acupuncture actually being used as a facelift alternative?

First of all, you need to know that acupuncture itself is not a facelift at all. There is no surgery, chemical injections or any other alterations that are done through acupuncture that would classify it as such. That doesn't mean, however, that you're not able to enjoy a healthier complexion and more youthful look as a result of acupuncture treatments. The fact of the matter is, acupuncture is known to help with your general health and this can offer you a lot in the way of reduced aging.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is a way of bringing the body back into a naturally balanced state. Two opposing forces that govern our body in general often get pushed toward one extreme or the other. By maintaining a balance between these two extremes, we allow our life energy, or Chi to flow naturally throughout our body and to give us balance. This can help us in many different ways but for the most part, it helps us to enjoy natural health and all of the benefits that it gives to us.

So, can acupuncture remove your wrinkles? No, it can't remove the wrinkles from your face but it can give you a health that will radiate from within. It can help to remove a lot of the negative effects of aging that show up as a wrinkles on your face. If you maintain a healthier balance in your body, you will give off a more youthful appearance that will be plain for everyone to see.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Do Acupuncture Treatments Hurt?

There are so many different ways that we can maintain or restore our health. For most of us, we understand that it is often a matter of restoring a balance in our body in order to enjoy the most helpful response. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical treatment that was developed in order to help maintain the balance between positive and negative charges in our body. Although these had specific terms attached to them that were used in Chinese philosophy and religion, the basic principles behind acupuncture are not generally brought into question, even my medical science. In fact, some studies that have been taken on acupuncture actually show that it does promote a flow of energy in the body.

One thing that many people are concerned about is the pain that is associated with acupuncture. One thing that many people do not like, even into their adulthood, are the needles that are typically associated with doctors' offices. Many of these needles are rather large and capable of producing quite a bit of pain in the human body. Most people just assume that the needles that are inserted during acupuncture also produce this kind of pain in on us as individuals.

The fact of the matter is, the needles that are used for acupuncture are much smaller than the needles typically found in many doctors offices. Whenever they are inserted into the body, many people do not feel any discomfort at all and, in fact, many actually find the experience pleasurable. As a result of their acupuncture treatment, it is also possible for individuals to feel relaxed or even accelerated.

A little more good news about the practice of acupuncture is that it is almost always safe to undergo. The only problems that may occur typically come as a result of the acupuncturist being inexperienced. As long as they are well practiced and are sure to use clean, one use needles then there is rarely ever a problem. The worst thing that can happen is that an organ can be punctured during a treatment but this is extremely rare.

All in all, acupuncture is a safe and effective way for you to maintain your natural health. Although you may be nervous about undergoing this treatment, there really is nothing to be nervous about. Once you take the plunge and go through with the treatment yourself, you will wonder why you waited so long to do it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Does Acupuncture Interfere with My Regular Medical Treatment?

In an effort to restore and maintain their health, many people have turned to the ancient practice of acupuncture. Acupuncture was actually conceived and tested in China thousands of years ago before it spread through other areas of Asia. It is a way of manipulating the energy in our body through the use of acupuncture points in order to bring it back into a natural balance. This balance which is found between the cold and hot forces that regulate our body is often the key to better health and an overall sense of well-being.

Unfortunately, many of us are riddled with illnesses and we may have already come under the care of a medical doctor. Although doctors are able to do some good things for us and to take care of our maladies to a certain extent, it may also interfere with our ability to be healed in a natural method. Acupuncture does not use any kind of medicine and is a totally natural way to bring our body back into balance. Many people are concerned, however, that by using acupuncture they are actually interfering with their regular medical treatments. Where does one strike a balance in this particular regard?

The best thing that you can do is to discuss the possibility of using acupuncture with both your acupuncturist and with your medical doctor. Whenever you go in for your first acupuncture visit, you will be asked a series of questions which will help the doctor to understand your particular situation and any surrounding circumstances in regards to your situation. This would include, of course, any current medical treatments that you're undergoing. It is very important that you let your acupuncturist now of any of these treatments as they may have a bearing on what kind of acupuncture treatment you will be able to receive.

Of course, in most cases acupuncture is perfectly fine even if a person is undergoing some other form of medical treatment or is taking a prescription medication. There may be some instances, however, that acupuncture is not a good idea such as when a person is wearing a pacemaker or is currently pregnant. As long as you don't hold back any information from either your doctor or your acupuncturist, you should be able to find out if you are able to take this kind of a treatment and seek a natural cure for your maladies.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Acupuncture - the First Step to Natural Health

In recent years, there has been an increased interest in natural health. People are trying a variety of different things in order to bring their bodies into a balance state and to enjoy health that does not involve pharmaceutical solutions. They do this for a number of different reasons but for the most part, it is because they realize that not all medical treatments are actually making them 100% better. In fact, some people are actually becoming sicker as a result of taking pharmaceutical medication because of the side effects or because it does not agree with them in one way or another.

Although there are many different ways to bring your body into a balanced state, acupuncture is one way that should not be overlooked. It is an ancient Chinese procedure in which small needles are placed throughout the body at particular acupuncture points in order to manipulate the flow of energy in an individual. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this energy, otherwise known as Chi, is what controls everything in regard to our health. If that energy should be blocked to a certain extent or if it should lose its natural balance, a number of different problems could occur in our bodies that range from depression the whole way through to terminal illnesses.

The actual practice of acupuncture has been taking place in China for thousands of years but it has only recently come to the attention of those in the Western world to a large extent. Since that time, some different methods have been administered such as producing prepackaged, one time use needles and in different ways of manipulating the acupuncture needles electronically. Some of the more traditional methods of using acupuncture are still included within the new treatment, such as the use of moxa in order to heat the needles.

As we continue to learn more about this particular type of treatment, more individuals will look to acupuncture as a way to bring the body back into balance. As a result of coming into this balance, these individuals will be able to lead a more normal life, one that is free of pain and living with an overall sense of well-being. Although there are many different ways in which we can bring our body back into this balance, acupuncture as a part that cannot be overlooked. It is the first step to improved natural health.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Can Acupuncture Help Me Quit Smoking?

Several thousand years ago, traditional Chinese medicine came up with a way of manipulating the channels that went through our body and distributed our life force. This life force, known as Chi is one of the basic parts of all Chinese medicine. As long as that energy is balanced between the positive and negative forces in our body, our health will be good as well. Since that time of its ancient beginning, however, many things have changed as far as acupuncture is concerned but the principle still remain the same.

People go through acupuncture treatment for a wide variety of reasons. Some of them go through this because of pain that they are experiencing or perhaps they are trying to get pregnant and want to bring their body into a natural balanced state. Still others go through acupuncture in order to get over a habit, such as smoking. Since smoking did not really take place in Chinese culture, at least to the point where it would be given up, can it really have a positive effect on our trying to quit?

Having a balanced environment within our bodies is very important for a number of different reasons. First of all, it promotes good health whenever our energy in our body is flowing freely. Another reason why acupuncture is great is because it gives us an overall sense of well-being. This can help us whenever we are trying to quit smoking because one of the problems with addiction withdrawal is that we lose our sense of well-being and are driven by our craving for another cigarette.

Another reason why acupuncture may be helpful with quitting smoking is because it has to do with our life force. This force, which is present in all of us needs to have a free flow in order for us to be balanced and healthy. If we are doing things that are harming our body, such as smoking cigarettes, we are interrupting the flow and causing a pattern which is sending us into a free fall. By using acupuncture in order to bypass the bad that the cigarettes are producing in us, we are giving ourselves the ability to quit without some of the negative side effects.

The fact of the matter is, people will try almost anything in order to kick the habit. By using something such as acupuncture, you may be up to give yourself the boost that you need and you will be doing it through natural means.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Acupuncture Effective for Severe Menstrual Cramps

Severe menstrual cramps, otherwise known as primary dysmenorrhea, is one of the most common gynecological complaints. It can affect as many as half of young women.

A recent study in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology might have an answer for this painful disorder in the form of acupuncture treatments. A group of Korean researchers looked at 27 studies done on acupuncture for dysmenorrhea, which involved a total of 3,000 women.

By comparing findings, they determined "promising evidence" for the use of acupuncture to treat dysmenorrhea, as compared to either herbal or pharmacological medicine.

For more information on the many benefits of Oriental medicine, visit

Reference: Cho S-H, Hwang E-W. Acupuncture for primary dysmenorrhoea: a systematic review. BJOG 2010 Feb 17 [Epub ahead of print].

Herb of the Month - Lepidium Seed (ting li zi)

Also known as pepperweed and tansy mustard, lepidium is an annual plant, which grows to a height of 18 inches and bears feather-like leaves and white flowers. The plant grows in the Hebei and Liaoning provinces of China. The entire plant is harvested in the summer and dried in the sun. After drying out, the seeds are collected for use in herbal remedies.

In traditional Chinese medicine, lepidium seed has bitter, pungent and cold properties, and is associated with the Lung and Urinary Bladder meridians. Among the conditions lepidium seed is used to treat are asthma, edema and pleurisy. It can also be used to treat abdominal distention and dry mouth. Lepidium seed is often used with zizyphus and rhubarb.

The typical dose of lepidium seed is between 3 and 9 grams, boiled in water and taken as a decoction. It is often mixed with honey. Whole, dried lepidium seeds can be found at most Asian markets and specialty stores. Some herbal shops also sell lepidium seed powder, which can be mixed into herbal decoctions.

Some side effects have been noted in patients taking large amounts of lepidium seed, including nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate and lowered blood pressure. As a result, it should not be taken before consulting with a licensed health care provider. As always, make sure to speak with a qualified health care practitioner before taking lepidium seed or any other herbal remedy or dietary supplement.

Ask an Acupuncturist

Question: Could acupuncture help shin splints? I am a 70-year-old woman who exercises nearly every day on the treadmill and stationary bike. For the last 5 months, I have been having pain with exercising, which appears to be shin splints. I have had x-rays, etc, and nothing shows up. I have also had treatments with a chiropractor. It will seem to be better and then get worse. I really miss exercising.

Answer: It is quite likely acupuncture treatment can help to relieve your pain. There are questions about it the acupuncturist will ask you to know more about it. In general, you would have ten or twelve treatments to find out how you are able to respond.

Is Acupuncture Safe for My Child?

Many people are aware of the benefits of acupuncture and what it can do to increase the balance inside our body and to give us an overall sense of well-being. What many people are unsure of, however, is if acupuncture treatments are safe for children or not. It would stand to reason that the same things that are of benefit to us as adults will be of benefit to our children. The fact of the matter is, acupuncture is used in children for a variety of different reasons and has been shown to give some benefits to them. What are some of these benefits?

Children tend to experience a lot of things that we no longer experience whenever we reach adulthood. The hormonal changes that are going through our body, especially during adolescence tend to throw it into a turmoil. By taking us out of our natural state which should be balanced, it throws us into an area of imbalance that can affect us in a number of different ways. Problems such as acne, mood swings and the difficulty in concentrating are only some of the signs that our body is no longer in balance. Acupuncture treatments may be able to help to restore this balance to your children.

Many people are concerned about acupuncture, not out of something that they know but out of something that they do not know. Even though this process is becoming more and more accepted in the Western world, there is still a lot of mystery that surrounds it. What can you do as a parent in order to help your child to go through the procedure without being nervous over the procedure itself? Even as adults, some of us are concerned and have a natural fear of needles because of the pain that they tend to inflict.

The best thing that you can do for your child is to inform them about acupuncture and let them know that it actually does not hurt at all. Of course, on their initial visit they will speak to the doctor and he will inform them about what is going to happen during the treatment. Typically, the fear that they are experiencing soon disappears whenever the initial treatment takes place.

Acupuncture can help your child in a number of different ways. By bringing their young bodies back into balance, it can improve their health and get rid of a lot of the problems that are indicative of youth.

Monday, April 12, 2010

What Is Acupuncture, Anyway?

It doesn't matter how popular a natural medical technique becomes, there will always be some mystery that surrounds it. This is especially true in cases such as with acupuncture where the treatment itself is steeped in ancient medical customs. If you're apprehensive about going through acupuncture treatments because you're unaware of what is involved, you may actually be surprised to find out exactly how westernized the practice has become. Let's take a look at acupuncture and find out what you can expect whenever you go in for your visit to the acupuncturist.

Acupuncture has been around for about 5000 years but it really has only become popular in the United States in the past couple of decades. It is increasing in popularity, however, and millions of people are introducing themselves to this natural way of healing on a yearly basis. The process of acupuncture has more to do with the energy that resides in all of us than with the actual inserting of needles. If the energy that is within our bodies is out of balance, it can be readjusted and put back into a balanced state through acupuncture.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, this energy, known as Chi, flows through all of us through about 14 different channels. If one of these channels should distribute this energy improperly, it can cause physical maladies that we experience such as pain or depression. The needles that are used by an acupuncturist stimulate these different channels and cause a free flow of energy to the area that is being affected.

Most people are nervous over the needles that are used, mainly because they are accustomed to being hurt by needles at the doctor's office. The fact of the matter is, the needles that are used during an acupuncture treatment are much smaller than those that can deliver vaccines to us. Whenever they are inserted into the skin, more often than not, nothing is felt at all. If there is some pain, it is very slight and goes away quickly.

The best thing that you can do for yourself if you're apprehensive about visiting an acupuncturist is to go in for an initial consultation. You will see that they are not some kind of weird doctor but they are actually in the medical profession and willing to help you medically. By talking to them face to face, you will no doubt find the confidence that you need in order to go ahead with the treatment.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Boosting Your Fertility through Acupuncture

It can be a very difficult thing when you're having trouble conceiving a child. Many married couples have experienced a lot of stress in their marriage over the disappointment of months going by without conception taking place. Perhaps you have gone to a fertility clinic and have found out that one if you is not producing the way that they should in order to have a child. Many different medical techniques may have been brought to your attention but something that you may have not considered is going through acupuncture in order to boost your fertility. How can he do this?

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the entire body is innerlinked through an energy source that is known as Chi. This energy flows through all of us and when it is in a balanced state, we enjoy good health and an overall sense of well-being. If this energy should get out of balance in some way, it can affect us in a number of different ways. Through the use of acupuncture, an acupuncturist is able to bring the body back into a balance condition where this energy can flow freely through us. Not only can this help us with various physical maladies, it may also be able to boost our fertility.

The reason why this is the case is because whenever our body is in balance, everything is in balance with it. From the way that we think to the way that we react all the way down to the amount of sperm or eggs that are produced in us as individuals. If we allow the free flow of energy to go through our body and put ourselves in a balance condition, we may find that our odds of conceiving a child increased greatly. As a matter of fact, in some studies done with those going through in vitro fertilization, a 10% increase in the rate of conception was realized through the use of acupuncture.

Before you try a medical treatment that may be costly and harm your body in some way, you might want to give acupuncture a try. It is a relatively safe and natural way for you to increase your fertility and the possibility of you conceiving a child naturally. Not only that, but it can help you to deal with any disappointment by giving you peace of mind.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Can Acupuncture Improve the Outcome of IVF?

After several months of not being able to conceive a child, John and Linda became discouraged and ended up finding themselves arguing over small things because of their disappointment. After going to a fertility clinic, and they realized that because of infertility problems, one of the only options for them ever to conceive is by using in vitro fertilization. Although very costly and somewhat painful, this particular treatment did hold out hope for them to have a child of their own that they would bring into the world. Not wanting to lose any possibility of actually conceiving the child through in vitro fertilization, they also look to the possibility of adding acupuncture to their treatment process.

Acupuncture has been used for many thousands of years and has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine. Since coming to the United States, however, and gaining in popularity, this process has helped people to do a number of different things in regards to their health. It is used for those who are undergoing surgery and sometimes is administered even during the surgery itself. Many other problems that we face as humans can also be controlled with use of acupuncture to one degree or another.

One thing that acupuncture has been used for and has actually gone through testing is for increasing a person's fertility rate. As a matter of fact, in a controlled study those that went through in vitro fertilization along with acupuncture had a 10% greater chance of conceiving a child than those that did not have acupuncture. Those are amazing results and according to those, you may be able to increase your odds as well. This can be especially comforting considering what you have to go through in order to have an IVF in the first place.

Acupuncture has even been shown to increase the natural fertility that people have and may increase their odds of conceiving a child even without the use of in vitro fertilization. If you are already dealing with IVF, however, using acupuncture may help you to bring about the natural balance state within your body and to conceive a child with the help of medical science. Although it is not a 100% guaranteed cure, even a 10% increase in the success rate is well worth the effort considering all that you get out of treatments through acupuncture.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Acupuncture at the Dentist

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years as a way to both restore and maintain our health and a balance within our bodies. According to Chinese medicine, we all have an energy that flows through our body which is generally referred to as Chi. as long as this energy is flowing freely, we enjoy a balanced life and good health along with an overall sense of well-being. If it should happen to get out of balance, however, we can experience all kinds of troubles that range from headaches and depression to life changing diseases.

One interesting way in which acupuncture has been used is for pain control at the dentist. It has also been shown to reduce our nervousness whenever we are sitting in the dentist chair. At times, acupuncture is provided for us in advance in order to prepare our bodies for dental surgery and at other times it is given to us while we are actually sitting in the chair so that we are relaxed and not feeling the nervousness that we may be feeling otherwise.

It's not only in going to the dentist where we feel the benefits of acupuncture; many procedures involve acupuncture either before, during or after the surgery actually takes place. Not only does it help in managing the pain and reducing the amount of pain medication that the person typically needs to take but it also helps with side effects of the surgery such as nausea and may even reduce the recovery time necessary from a surgical procedure.

Dental surgery can be very invasive and most of us are nervous about going to the dentist anyway. That is why many have turned to acupuncture and keep an acupuncturist on staff in order to administer treatments whenever we go in for any dental work at all. Even though not all dentists have embraced acupuncture as a way of treating their patients, many do so and it is not difficult to find a combination of the two.

Not only can it help us to overcome surgery and problems in the dentist chair, it also can help us in all areas of our life. By returning us to the balance that we are to have naturally, we enjoy a healthier life that emanates from within. If you use acupuncture along with other natural treatments, you would be surprised at how far these natural methods can take you.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Will Acupuncture Cure Me?

With any kind of natural medicine, there is always some question as to whether it will be effective in your case. Of course, it all depends on how well founded your particular treatment is and what you're trying to cure. Although very little has been studied scientifically about natural cures, there are some that have been shown to work from a medical standpoint. One of these is the use of acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medical treatment that manipulates the energy in our body to our benefit.

Many people are concerned about going for acupuncture for one reason or another. One of the main causes of concern is because some consider it just to be a passing fad or something that is done and only helps those that are actually weak in mind. Let me put your mind at ease about something, acupuncture has been around for thousands of years even though it has only been popular in the United States for a few decades. Because of its growing popularity, some studies have been performed which help to show exactly what is behind acupuncture and whether or not it works.

It is difficult to actually test something like acupuncture because of the difficulty of putting in a control group. Administering acupuncture poorly can be damaging and is often difficult to do. Therefore, having a control group is somewhat out of the question as far as acupuncture is concerned. What scientists have been able to do, however, is to measure the amount of energy and blood flow that are going to particular areas of our body. Whenever acupuncture is administered, the areas of the body that are to be affected actually do show an increase in blood flow and energy levels. This goes to show you that there is actually something behind the practice itself.

Of course, any good acupuncturist will be quick to tell you that it is only part of the full equation. If you really want to bring your body into a naturally balance state, you will need to do several things that include supplementation, getting some exercise and acupuncture. Once your body is balance, it will be in a better position to be able to fight off the disease or problem that you are experiencing as a result of the imbalance. So can acupuncture cure you? If used properly, it can be part of the equation.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why Would I Avoid Acupuncture?

Natural treatments are something that people often look into in order to treat their various illnesses. Some of these natural treatments have been used for thousands of years and stem from some ancient scientific studies. One of these is the process of acupuncture, a way of manipulating the natural balance within the body through the insertion of very thin needles into specific points that are located on the body. Even though this particular type of natural medicine is gaining in popularity in the United States, it still comes under some scrutiny from time to time. Is acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is something that has been done for thousands of years throughout a variety of cultures, especially those that are located in Asia. It's really only been within the past several decades that acupuncture has gained popularity in the Western world. Since that time, however, many millions of people have sought this kind of treatment in order to gain a natural healing for their bodies. Many people are concerned, however, because of the possibility of something going wrong during this treatment. Fortunately, those worries are not founded.

As long as it is done by somebody who is experienced, acupuncture is one of the safest forms of natural medicines that exist. The FDA now even regulates the needles that are used by acupuncturists in their treatments in order to ensure that they are sterile and that no infection will be passed on. The only real dangers, other than infection are the possibility of an organ being pierced or of some difficulty caused by an underlying condition such as pregnancy or the wearing of some kind of electronic device, such as a pacemaker.

On your initial visit to the acupuncturist, he will go over a series of questions with you in order to determine your health needs. You may also want to consult with your doctor before any acupuncture treatments are administered. In this way, you will be in a much safer position because one will not be working against the other.

All in all, acupuncture is an excellent way for you to regain the balance in your body and to improve your overall health. It may also help you with specific healthcare needs such as depression, appetite suppression or general pain. Regardless of why you go to an acupuncturist, however, the odds are that you will walk out of their feeling better than you felt when you walked in.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Natural Healing through Acupuncture?

Many people are concerned when it comes to their health and rightly so. Your good health can have a positive influence on all areas of your life. Most people realize that there is some benefit to taking care of yourself naturally and trying to bring your body into a balanced state. Acupuncture is one way that you're able to do this and if administered properly, it can help you to gain an overall health to your body that you may have been trying to reach through other methods, such as supplementation. Of course other natural health methods have their place, as any reliable acupuncturist will let you know but acupuncture can play a major part in your overall health.

The practice itself has been around for thousands of years, being established in ancient China. After it was used in China successfully for quite some time, the medical practice spread throughout other Asian areas and their own flair was added to the original practice. Many thousands of years later, it has now become popular in the United States, especially since the 1980s. As people become more aware of the benefits of taking care of themselves naturally, acupuncture can play a part.

It actually has to do with the balance that is in our body and the energy that flows through all of us. This is really an indisputable fact but thousands of years ago it was referred to as Chi. Although it had some religious connotations, they were fairly close to the fact that this energy played an important role in all of our lives and health. As long as the energy was balanced and free-flowing, we enjoy good health. If it was blocked or imbalanced in some way, we have difficulties.

What acupuncture actually does is to send the energy into an area of our body that is affected in one way or another. This has actually been proven through tests which monitor blood flow and energy throughout the body. By building on the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture, many modern-day doctors have been able to help individuals to overcome problems that range from headaches to depression.

If you have been holding off trying acupuncture, you would probably be very surprised at how easy the procedure actually is. Why not try it out for yourself and see how far this natural medical practice can take you with your health?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Getting Familiar with Acupuncture

As with anything in the natural health world, there is a lot of misinformation that is surrounding acupuncture. As a matter of fact, many people miss out on the benefits of acupuncture because they understand it to be something that it is not. If you're unfamiliar with acupuncture but think that you could benefit from some of the services that they provide, here is some information to help you to cut through the noise and find out the truth.

Acupuncture was started some 5000 years ago in ancient China and was a way to regulate the energy that flowed through the body. This energy, known as Chi according to Chinese medicine is present in all living things. Whenever it becomes imbalanced, however, it can cause problems for us as individuals that range from mild symptoms to severe disease. Acupuncture came along as a way to regulate the energy and to open up the channels that allow the energy to flow through our body normally.

Since that ancient time, acupuncture has come a very long way but they still adhere to many of the same things as the original natural medicine. Some of the differences include the fact that it does go along with modern medicine and the techniques that are used include such things as sterile needles and environments in which the acupuncture is performed.

Whenever you make your first trip to the acupuncturist, you will be given an interview by the doctor in order to find out exactly what you need and exactly where you stand as far as your health is concerned. They will ask you many questions and you will have the opportunity to give feedback and ask some questions of your own. Take this opportunity to become familiar, both with the doctor and with the practice of acupuncture in general.

The actual procedure is probably nothing like you had considered before you understood what it was. The needles that are inserted into your skin are hair thin and it rarely ever hurts at all. As a matter of fact, many people experience relaxation or rejuvenation as a result of the needles being inserted. If there is any pain involved, it is very temporary and light.

Although you may go in for a dozen acupuncture treatments for your problem, many people experience relief after the first treatment. They leave the office feeling rejuvenated and with a general sense of well-being.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Can Acupuncture Work with Weight Loss?

Unfortunately, many people have to deal with problems with their weight on a regular basis and throughout their lifetime. For some of us, it is a problem that started whenever we were children and we developed some bad habits that are very difficult to break. For others, it is a hormonal problem such as those experienced by people with hypothyroidism. Regardless of why you're having a difficult time with your weight, it can be a real struggle to get the weight off and keep it off. One way in which many people have looked to for help with their weight loss efforts is acupuncture.

Acupuncture can indeed bring our body into a balance that it may be lacking. If we are having problems with our hormone levels which can cause weight gain, acupuncture can help to bring those back into line with where they should be. In general, the better you feel and the better you feel about yourself, the easier in that it will be for you to lose weight and keep it off. Unfortunately, for most people, that's not quite enough for them to realize the weight loss that they have been looking for. Acupuncture is able to overcome one more large hurdle.

On the inside and around the ear are specific acupuncture points that serve several different functions. Whenever these points are stimulated through the use of acupuncture needles, they help to control our appetite by suppressing it and they also work to detox the body. This works to our benefit in two different ways. Not only does it keep us from overeating out of habit but it also helps us to be able to lose weight quickly because our bodies are not clogged with a lot of toxins as a result of the acupuncture detox.

So, if you have been struggling with your weight for quite some time and do not seem to be able to control it through willpower and natural means, going to an acupuncturist may be exactly what you need. By suppressing your appetite and bringing your body back into a natural balance, you are assisting yourself to lose the weight naturally. The weight that you lose will be easier to keep off as a result of your overall general health being better. For some, it's the only thing that really helps them in their weight loss efforts.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Can Acupuncture Help with Fibromyalgia?

Many individuals suffer from the disease that is known as fibromyalgia. For some of these people that suffer with this problem, just getting out of bed in the morning can be a very difficult task. It causes pain in specific areas of the body and saps all of the energy that we have away from us. The worst part is that some people don't even consider this to be a disease at all. They think that we are suffering for no reason or that it is simply all in our head. For those of us that live with the disease, however, we know exactly how real it can be. Whenever traditional medicine has failed us, is acupuncture able to step in and cure fibromyalgia?

Acupuncture is not actually a cure for any diseases. Although it does help in order to bring the body back into balance, it does not take the disease away from us, our body actually does that. What acupuncture can do for you, if you have fibromyalgia or another disease is to bring your body into unison with itself and allow the free flow of energy to move through your entire being. This is natural healing at its very roots and if you are able to heal your body and the flow of energy, it will be much easier for your body to remove diseases such as fibromyalgia.

The concept of Chi, or the energy that flows within all of us is at the basis of acupuncture. Thousands of years ago, in ancient China this practice came into being as a way to get Chi to flow freely through individuals. The Chinese felt that if the body was out of balance in any way and leaning either toward the positive or the negative that illness and disease would result. Although they did not have all of the details that we have as far as medical science is concerned, they were pretty close to the actual truth. When our body gets out of balance, we suffer.

So, if you are suffering from fibromyalgia and want to try acupuncture, it's a pretty good idea to do so. Not only can it help you by bringing your body back into balance but your acupuncturist will be able to guide you in other natural methods to help remove this disease from you, once and for all.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What Is the Cost of Acupuncture?

Although it has come a long way since its roots some 5000 years ago, the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture is still something that is revered, even today. Since the 1980s, this practice has gained widespread use throughout much of the westernized world. Although it has changed as far as the type of needles that are used and the areas in which they are used, much of the ancient art still remains intact. If you would like to try acupuncture for yourself but are wondering about the cost, here is a breakdown on what it will cost you for treatment.

Of course, treatments for acupuncture vary from area to area but for the most part you can expect to pay anywhere from $50-$250 per treatment. This also includes your initial consultation in which your doctor will discuss all of the options with you and try to ascertain exactly what kind of treatment that you need. On this initial visit, the acupuncture may not even be administered. There are some acupuncturists, especially where competition is high in the area that will give you the initial consultation for free. If you are able to find such a deal, it may help you to afford the further treatments.

Unfortunately, acupuncture is not always a one-shot deal. As a matter of fact, for some types of treatments you can expect to be in the acupuncturist's office a dozen times or more. This can add up to a substantial amount of money if you are paying $100 per visit. What can be done to curtail the cost?

Depending on your particular treatment and the reason why you're visiting the acupuncturist, your insurance may actually cover all or part of the treatment. The best thing that you can do in this particular case is to contact your insurance company to see if they cover acupuncture treatments.

Of course, there is a negative affect to the cost of acupuncture as well. If you have a problem with your health and you do not seek help through an acupuncturist you may end up keeping that malady for quite some time. You have to balance this in your mind and try to put a price tag on what your health is worth. If you have been dealing with your illness for quite some time, the price of several acupuncture sessions may not be so big after all.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What Can Acupuncture Do for Me?

There are a lot of people that are familiar with acupuncture in general but many of them may not be aware of all of the different things that acupuncture can do for them. As long as it has to do with your body's health, acupuncture can assist you in a natural way. This is because, at its essence, acupuncture is meant to allow the free flow of energy within the body in order to heal the body and to rejuvenate the senses. Although there is quite a long list of things that can be done at the acupuncturist office, here are a few of the more common things that are treated.

One thing that most people go to the acupuncturist for is control of pain. It doesn't matter what kind of pain an individual has, from back pain to carpal tunnel syndrome, the acupuncturist will be able to assist you. By allowing the free flow of energy through your body, the pain can either be blocked or the area can be healed. Pain management doesn't just stop in this area, however, it also includes surgical procedures.

Many individuals who are undergoing surgery seek out acupuncture treatments in order to control the pain and to help with some of the side effects from the surgery. Surgeons are catching on to the benefits of acupuncture as well and are administering it before and after the surgery in order to cut down on the amount of pain medicine that is needed. Some doctors are even administering the acupuncture whenever the surgery is taking place!

Acupuncture is also used for its calming effect in many cases. People with unusual phobias or that have a difficult time relaxing or sleeping may seek acupuncture therapy in order to help them to relax and to overcome their problems. This type of acupuncture may take ongoing treatments that last for quite some time but many people experience almost immediate relief from these type of problems.

One other thing that is fairly common for acupuncturist to do is to decrease a person's appetite. As a matter of fact, many people who undergo acupuncture treatments for various reasons also ask if they can be given acupuncture for appetite suppression. Although many acupuncturists will not focus on this area solely, they will administer this treatment in conjunction with the therapy that the person is already receiving.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Is Acupuncture My Last Hope?

All of us have to deal with problems in our life. For some of us, the problems seem to be relatively light and they are something that we can deal with on a regular basis. For others, the problems may come fast and furious and it may be difficult to get a handle on the situation. Some people seek medical advice for their problems but, at times, doctors are able to do little more than give us something to suppress the symptoms when what is really needed is a cure for the disease itself. At times like these, many people turn to natural health and hope that it is able to take care of the problem.

One natural healing method that many people try is that of acupuncture. In fact, you would probably be surprised with the number of individuals that try acupuncture in a last ditch effort to solve their problems. What these individuals find out, in many cases, is that the field of natural healing actually only begins with acupuncture but it goes much wider than that. A good acupuncturist will not claim to be able to heal the difficulties that you are having but they can guide you through the healing process.

Acupuncture has a lot to do with restoring and maintaining good health. It does this by promoting the free flow of life throughout our entire body. At times, the energy that is within us can become clogged or even imbalanced and that causes a lot of problems in us as individuals. By promoting good health through a balanced energy flow, acupuncture is able to help us to heal ourselves and is not necessarily doing the healing itself. When used in connection with other forms of natural healing, the effects can be quite powerful.

If you're contemplating acupuncture but are worried about the process, let me put your mind at ease. The process of acupuncture is relatively free of any problems whatsoever. In fact, the only problems that really occur could occur with any procedure, as they all involve the competence of the person administering the acupuncture. As long as your doctor is aware of what they are doing and uses clean and sterile needles from an unopened pack, you have very little, if anything, to worry about.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Promoting the Free Flow of Energy through Acupuncture

There are many different ways that we can help ourselves naturally. For some people, they do a lot with their diets and perhaps meditation but for others, they may need a bit more of a natural boost. One way that we can help ourselves to heal and to rejuvenate is through the process that is known as acupuncture. Although this method of healing is thousands of years old, it is still revered as one of the basic ways to take care of ourselves and to balance the life force that is within all of us. What exactly can acupuncture do for you?

According to traditional Chinese medicine, we all have an energy within ourselves that is known as Chi. This energy flows freely through us and is the essence of what we actually are on the inside. Chinese medicine identified roughly 14 channels through which this life force flowed. From time to time, however, we may experience a blockage of the free flow of this life force which causes problems in us that range from minor aches and pains to serious illness.

Whenever we experience an imbalance in our Chi, acupuncture is able to bring our body back into a balanced state again. By stimulating various acupuncture points on our body, it can send energy and increased blood flow to other areas of our body. For example, the palm of the hand and the web of the thumb can be used to help with headaches. There are over 2000 of these acupuncture points that are found throughout the body that can help in numerous ways in order to promote good health and to aid in healing the body of the problems that it experiences.

Whenever our body is in balance and flowing properly, it does not hold disease in easily. This is also seen in the pH balance that is in our body and just goes to show exactly how important it is for us to stay within the lines of physical balance.

So, if you are experiencing pain or sickness, acupuncture may be up to bring you back to a state in which your body can remove it from itself. By using acupuncture as a basis for a natural, healthy life, you are giving yourself the opportunity to be free of disease and the problems that imbalance creates.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Can Acupuncture Help Me Lose Weight?

One of the most difficult things that we have to deal with on a regular basis is problems with our weight. For many of us, this is been a problem that we have been dealing with for most of our lives. It may have been that we were even heavy when we were children and because of habits that we have had since we were young, it may be difficult for us not to overeat. Add to that the general lifestyle that most of us lead which is busy and full of sugary snacks and fast food and it's little wonder that we have a problem with our weight.

One thing that can help with weight loss and suppressing our appetite is the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture. Although most people think of acupuncture as being something that helps with general health and the relief of pain, it can also do a lot to help us with our weight loss efforts. It is true that acupuncture is a great method of working with our health naturally but, isn't taking care of our weight also a part of our natural health? Let's take a look at acupuncture and weight loss and see what it can do for you.

Acupuncture is a way of bringing our body back into balance, a natural balance that our body needs. According to traditional Chinese medicine, all of us have channels in our body which funnel energy from one part of our body into another. If our body is in balance, we are able to enjoy a natural flow of this energy, otherwise known as Chi. Acupuncture is able to manipulate the flow of energy that is within our body through the insertion of hair thin needles. If this energy is disrupted in some cases, it can help us by suppressing the energy as well. It does this through acupuncture and also helps by suppressing our appetite.

Many people who go in for acupuncture for pain or general healing may also be able to enjoy the benefits of a suppressed appetite through acupuncture as well. Your acupuncturist will be able to give you assistance and advice as far as this is concerned. What you will probably find, however, is that by reducing your appetite through acupuncture, you are able to eat less on a regular basis and maintain a healthier weight.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Can Acupuncture Remove My Wrinkles?

All of us are fighting against a common foe, that of aging and all of the problems that it brings along with it. For some of us, it brings along problems that we need to fight on a continuous basis in the form of disease or decreased energy. For others, it may be a matter of the effects of aging showing on our face and other areas of our body. People will spend an unusual amount of money in order to make themselves look young again. Not only do they spend a lot of money, they may also take risks with their health in order to remove wrinkles.

Some of the most popular forms of face lifts include chemical peels, surgery and micro-dermabrasion. All of these are invasive and can damage our skin in order to make it look better. This has sparked an interest in natural health as a way to remove some of the wrinkles from our face, specifically through the use of acupuncture as a facelift. Is acupuncture actually able to help remove wrinkles from our face and to make us look young again? The answer may surprise you.

First of all, it's important for us to explain that acupuncture is not and never will be the same as a facelift. This is because treatment through acupuncture is natural and not invasive in any way. The only thing that is invasive about acupuncture are the needles that are used and they hardly even damage your skin at all. Regardless of the actual term, however, many people have experienced great benefits with their skin through the use of acupuncture. This is for several different reasons.

Some doctors will use acupuncture directly on the wrinkles in order to stimulate the skin to grow and to heal. Going deeper than that, however, acupuncture actually promotes the free flow of energy throughout the body which can make you feel and look better from the inside out. Whenever you are glowing and youthful as a result of your acupuncture treatments, the effects will be plain to see on the outside as well.

Although acupuncture cannot remove all of the wrinkles from your face, it is one step toward a more natural, healthy you. By keeping your body in balance and maintaining that balance, you will take a chunk out of the aging process that will show to everyone that looks.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Treating Infertility through Acupuncture

One of the biggest disappointments that we can experience as a married couple is the inability to conceive a child. Even though we may try month after month, for some of us it is just a difficult thing to accomplish. If you are having a difficult time with conception and you don't necessarily want to go through in vitro fertilization, acupuncture may be able to offer you a natural treatment that has helped many. How can acupuncture help you to have a baby?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical procedure in which the body's energy is brought back into balance. Through the stimulation of acupuncture points with the use of very fine needles, this life energy is sent throughout the body through various channels. Whenever we experience an imbalance in our body as a result of this energy leaning towards the positive or the negative, it can display itself in a number of different ways. For some, it displays as pain or disease but for others, it may show up as an inability to conceive a child.

Studies that have been done on acupuncture have shown that whenever certain areas of the body are stimulated through treatment, it does increase the amount of energy and blood flow to the targeted area. This can have a great impact on us in many different ways. If we are having a difficult time in producing the sperm and eggs that are necessary in order to conceive a child, giving these areas of our body additional blood flow may be exactly what is needed in order to produce an adequate supply. It may also be that by increasing the balance within our body and bringing ourselves into a more natural state, we give our bodies the ability to heal any problems that we may be experiencing in these areas.

Of course, many individuals also try in vitro fertilization in order to produce children and this can be stimulated by acupuncture as well. As a matter of fact, in several tests that were conducted, those people who were going through in vitro fertilization and using acupuncture increased their odds of conception by 10% or more when compared with those who were only going through IVF alone.

Acupuncture can certainly help you to bring your body into a balanced condition. It may also be a double to assist your body in healing itself and producing what is necessary in order for you to conceive a child.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Acupuncture for Sinus Headaches

The human body is an amazing thing, and whenever it is working properly it has a wonderful ability to take care of itself. Whenever our body gets out of balance, however, problems can occur and show up in the form of pain and various diseases. In order to naturally remove these various maladies from ourselves, it is often necessary for us to seek out the natural balance that we may have lost. If you are having a difficult time with your sinuses and sinus headaches, it may be a sign of the balance missing from your body. You can bring this balance back through the use of acupuncture.

Many people are not aware of exactly how large the sinuses are. They are cavities which reach out into the cheek bones and above the eyes. Our sinuses are there for a specific reason much the same as everything on our body. Not only do they filter out the air before it enters into our lungs but they also reduce the risk of brain injury from blunt force trauma to the face and give our faces their unique shape. For those that suffer from sinus headaches, however, the benefits of their sinuses are outweighed by the trouble that they are causing.

By using acupuncture, you may be able to relieve some of the problems that you are experiencing from sinus headaches. If you are able to get your body back into alignment with itself through acupuncture and natural healing methods, you may be able to remove the headaches altogether.
By producing various chemicals in the bloodstream through acupuncture along with some of the pain relief that acupuncture is able to bring, you may experience an immediate relief from the headaches that you are having. With several treatments and a good regimen of natural health, you may be a ball to get rid of the headaches once and for all.

Of course, you will want to speak to your doctor and to your acupuncturist about the treatments in order to make sure that they don't conflict with one another. More than likely, however, you will be able to experience the relief that is typically found through acupuncture treatments. Many people experience immediate relief and if you are one of those, you may be wondering why it took you so long to try acupuncture in the first place.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Acupuncture for Weight Loss

It's hard to meet anyone that is not at least a little bit concerned about their weight. The society that we live in as well as the type of lifestyle that many of us keep has led to an epidemic of weight gain that all of us are suffering from. Even those of us who are able to maintain a fairly lean lifestyle still struggle because of the difficulty of eating a healthy diet and maintaining our weight. There are some things that can be done, however, in order to help curb your appetite and to lose the extra pounds. Acupuncture is one of these.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical treatment that has been done for thousands of years. Even though it spread throughout many areas of Asia, it really has only become popular in the Western world in the past several decades. Since that time, many tests have revealed that there is a lot of truth in what acupuncture is able to do for us as individuals. In recent years, it has also been discovered that a natural balance in the body is one way for you to be able to combat weight gain and problems with overeating. Acupuncture is a natural way to maintain balance in the body so they work hand-in-hand.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, we all have an energy about us that is typically known as Chi. This energy has two basic parts that are opposite to each other but when they work in balance they give us the life force that we need. By manipulating certain parts of our body with acupuncture needles we are able to maintain the flow of energy and to find that balance that our body needs. This can do everything for us from removing pain and depression to helping us to maintain a healthy weight.

So, if you have been struggling with weight gain or have a difficulty with overeating, acupuncture can help you in several different ways. Not only can it bring you back into a balanced state where your body will work better as a unit, it can also help by suppressing our appetite and making it easier for us to maintain a healthy weight. Although it will still take willpower on our part to a certain extent, by using acupuncture to maintain healthy weight, you will be giving your self some help along the way.


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