Thursday, April 26, 2007

The War Against Cancer

The editor’s page in the January/February edition of “Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine” pointed out that western medicine has lost the war against cancer. This is based on data that shows that deaths from cancer are stable or increasing despite all the treatment therapies used to combat cancer. In 2005, cancer was the cause of death of 570,000 people in this country. This is the equivalent to one in three people having cancer in their lifetime.

It takes an average of thirty years for cancer cells to develop into the clinical manifestation of a solid tumor. This means that roughly 17 million Americans are walking around with cancer that is somewhere on the continuum from the nascent development of cancer cells to the clinical manifestation of a full blown cancer.

The article went on to point out that western medicine’s failure is because it enters the fight at the manifestation of cancer rather than earlier where the likelihood of preventing or reversing latent cancers would be far easier.

The editor recalled that when he rotated through oncology in medical school, he asked his professor what percentage of cancers was related to diet. He was shocked when his professor answered “70 percent”.

Having read this article, I was reminded of a lecture I heard while in school about a famous ancient Chinese medical doctor who theorized that most diseases originated in the digestive tract. At the time I questioned the validity of this famous doctor’s theory. Now, I suspect this ancient doctor’s theory was right

The simplicity and magic of Chinese medicine lies in its Taoist root that “maintaining order rather than correcting disorder is the ultimate principle of wisdom. To cure disease after it has appeared is like digging a well when one already feels thirsty or forging weapons after the war has already begun.”

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Emotions and the Environment

It’s been several weeks since I’ve written to my blog. A busy schedule at work, preparing for taxes and preparing for spring when the weather was still spring-like devoured my time.

Today, I wanted to report on a conference I recently attended in Virginia Beach where Gregg Braden spoke over Easter weekend. Gregg Braden is a former scientist in the space industry that has devoted the past fifteen to twenty years to linking spirituality to science. He has written several books, The Divine Matrix, being the latest. He has also done several fascinating audio programs which discuss his travels all over the world exploring the belief systems of many varied cultures. I have become a real devotee of his work and find all of it very thought provoking and worthy of presenting one kernel of his message here.

I am also very much attracted to the message found in the movie and book by the same name, The Secret. This book points out the power of our thoughts and emotions on the events that occur in our life. Negative emotions and feelings evoke negative circumstances and positive emotions and feelings evoke positive circumstances.

Gregg takes the message of the Law of Attraction as proposed in The Secret to the cosmic level. Our feelings and emotions have a very real effect on the environment. Scientific data has proven that when DNA is introduced to a group of photons in an experiment, the photons align themselves along beside the DNA. Prior to the introduction, the photons were randomly moving. When the DNA is removed, the photons still hold the same patterns as if the DNA were still present. In essence, our mere presence affects everything that surrounds us as the world is made up of photons and neutrons.

Another experiment showed how emotions affect our DNA. Anger, frustration, and other negative emotions cause DNA to contract into a ball that can easily lead to mutation. On the other hand, positive emotions such as joy, gratitude and appreciation cause DNA to relax to the point of replication.

I am certainly not a scientist and admittedly, I did not take any notes during Mr. Braden’s conference. What I did walk away with from the conference, was that our emotions also play a role in the climate change we experience and we have a responsibility to “clean up our act” in how we treat each other and our world.


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