An old Chinese saying says that a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. This is my "first step" into the world of blogging.
I wanted to start blogging in order to reach out to my client base and share any interesting tidbits on health and well being that I run across in my work.
For instance, I recently ran across an article in "Alternative Medicine" that eating a red grapefruit on a daily basis can significantly lower cholesterol levels based on a study done in Israel at Hebrew University. The volunteers used in the study all had a previous history of high blood cholesterol. They were divided into three groups: one ate a red grapefruit daily, one ate white grapefruit and the third ate a standard lowfat diet. Both grapefruit groups were better at lowering cholesterol than the lowfat diet group, but those volunteers eating the red grapefruit significantly reduced total cholesterol as well as LDL levels and triglycerides.
Maybe some food for thought for those of you battling cholesterol problems.
In health and wellness, Linda